5723312 Andreas Feininger (Panoramic view of buildings in lower Manhattan taken from the New Jersey banks of the Hudson River) US, New York 1946
5559177 Andreas Feininger (Mitsui Line ship passing under the Brooklyn Bridge on the East River) US, New York 1954
5591066 Andreas Feininger ( Silhouette of the Empire State Building & other bldgs. without surrounding light fr. the usual street lights during wartime dimout to conserve city’s energy costs.
5503879 Andreas Feininger (Night view of taxi and traffic congestion looking North on 45th St
121 Andreas Feininger, View of taxi and traffic congestion on Brodway View of taxi & traffic congestion on Broadway looking North from 45th Street past rows of movie theaters incl. the Capitol Theatre 16×20 40×50/38,8×37,8
5591153 Andreas Feininger(Ship & tug boat traffic on the Hudson River w. New York City Skyline in bkgrd. taken w. the aid of a telephoto lens fr
5590062 Andreas Feininger (The majestic ocean liner Queen Mary being pulled up the Hudson River by tug boats) US, New York 1949
956185 Dimitri Kessel (Overview picture of the Brooklyn bridge over the east river looking towards Manhattan) US, New York 1956
158 – Andreas Feininger, Woodcarver Nikita Carpenko’s skyscraper heads, 1952 Andreas Feininger 40,5 x 50,5 /37,2 x 45,4
114- Dmitri Kessel , View of NYC behind the bridges that are hovering over the east river 16×20 40×50/37,9×42,5
5554021 Edward Clark (Tallest building in borough of Brooklyn, looming in the background) US, New York 1946
5590330 Andreas Feininger (Crystalline night surrounding the Statue of Liberty w. diamonds of star-like light from her torch and lampposts during WWII blackout.
1175522 Andreas Feininger (Brooklyn Bridge at night against background of lower Manhattan) US, New York 1948
5599438 Andreas Feininger (Freighter ships moving up the East River past skyscrapers) US, New York 1946
115 Eliot Elisofon, Several people standing on the top of a building looking down into the downtown misty smog that is covering the Empire State & surrounding buildings. 16×20 50×40/38,6×37,8
5534059 Andreas Feininger (Reopening of the Brooklyn Bridge after four years of partial shutdown during which major repairs were made) US, New York 1954
123 M. Bourke-White, Aerial view of lower West Side of Manhatten – Aerial view of lower West Side of Manhattan incl. Battery Park (R) w. ships docked at piers as barges travel up the Hudson River. 20×24 50×60/41×58
1266452 Dimitri Kessel (Pigeons flocking above pedestrians crossing Piazza San Marco on a rainy Venice day) Italy, Venice 1952
14878642 Andreas Feininger (Ocean liner ‚Queen Elizabeth‘ on the Hudson river) US, New York 1958 – The Picture Collection
159 – Andreas Feininger, Church in Mexico – start of Traill of Coronado, Spanish explorer of SW United States in the 16th c., 1952 50,5 x 40,5 / 47,8 x 38
117 – Dmitri Kessel, Paris in the Snow – Scenic shots of snow trailing down Paris 50×40/48,2×37,7
5599351 Andreas Feininger (Docks & piers of the Port of New York, w. tugs pushing barges loaded