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Tierfotos aus dem LIFE Archiv in München kaufen

Alfred Eisenstaedts „Tiger cub sucking a human’s finger“ das im Jahr 1944 in New York entstand  – The Picture Collection

17810335 William Vandivert (A view showing a polar bear begging for food at the Brookfield Zoo) US, Illinois, Chicago 1938500488 Hansel Mieth, A diorama of a rhinoceros at the Museum of Natural History, NY 1937

17383899 Ralph Crane (Blessing Of Animals) 1965

16718063 Dmitri Kessel (So. American jaguar sticking head above water, in pool covered w. floating blossoms) US 1958 – The Picture Collection

1111179 Hansel Mieth (Monkey from a monkey colony eating flowers) Puerto Rico 1939

5550763 Bernard Hoffman (Christina Goldsmith, 36-mosof Weimaraner hunting dogs.

889545 Stan Wayman (Baby gorillas at Milwaukee Zoo) US, Milwaukee 1960

846738 Andreas Feininger (Woodchuck (or groundhog) standing on hind legs in midst of dense foliage with mouth open and showing teeth) US 1948

147 – George Silk, Bulldog having whiskers clipped before Westminster, 1954

146 – Cornell Capa, Baby circus elephant standing under full-size elephant, 1948

925525 Stan Wayman (Walrus in the snow) US, Alaska 1958

149 – Fritz Goro, School of spadefish, 1952

5826122 Gjon Mili (Portrait of Blackie, Gjon Mili’s cat) US, New York US, New York 1943

19534640 Eric Schaal -Perchero Horse Farm- 1942