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724535 Gordon Parks (Front view of a slick coupe at Paris Auto Show) France, Paris 1950 Front view of a slick coupe at Paris Auto Show.
17859777 Dmitri Kessel (Cuban civilians who work at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base being checked at the main gate) Cuba, Guantanamo Bay 1961
578740 Frank Scherschel, Squadron of US Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless dive bombers in flight, patrolling coral reefs off Midway Island searching for Japanese troops prior to the famous naval engagement. Midway Island, North Pacific 1942
16735658 Ralph Crane (Men working on a chromed roadster in preparation for a drag race) US, California 1957
17810335 William Vandivert (A view showing a polar bear begging for food at the Brookfield Zoo) US, Illinois, Chicago 1938
18339563 Edward Clark (President Dwight D. Eisenhower campaigning for Richard M. Nixon) US, Ohio, Cleveland 1960
17342550 Bill Ray (Doug with other Hells Angels‘ members riding their motorcycles to Bakersfield, CA) US, California 1965
17342416 Bill Ray (Doug and Buzzard with other Hells Angels‘ members riding their motorcycles from San Bernardino to Bakersfield) US, California 1965
16901406 Dmitri Kessel (Helicopter Views Of New York ) – Helicopter Views of New York- Manhattan skyline
16901395 Dmitri Kessel (Overview picture looking at Manhattan from the Brooklyn bridge) US, New York 1956- Helicopter Views of New York- Manhattan skyline
16079767 Ralph Morse (Two members of the Lincoln’s 28 man crew are catching a nap in the hammocks while the others are working on the racing car) Mexico 1953 – The Picture Collection
16718063 Dmitri Kessel (So. American jaguar sticking head above water, in pool covered w. floating blossoms) US 1958 – The Picture Collection
15319744 Andreas Feininger (Lyonel and Theodore Lux Feininger with toy sail boats in Central Park) US, New York 1951 – The Picture Collection
15319585 Andreas Feininger – 1951
15319585 Andreas Feininger (Feininger Family) 1951 – The Picture Collection
15297849 Nina Leen (Sports Car) 1952 – The Picture Collection Sports Cars- Influx of foreign car models invade the U.S. market. A well-dressed woman behind the wheel of a foreign made roadster.
15320244 Andreas Feininger (Lyonel and Theodore Lux Feininger with toy sail boats in Central Park) US, New York 1951 – The Picture Collection
15320111 Andreas Feininger (Lyonel Feininger with toy sail boats in Central Park) US, New York 1951 – The Picture Collection
14986886 Edward Clark (Marilyn Monroe) 1950 – THe Picture Collection 24-year-old American actress, singer, and model Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962), wearing a simple button-down shirt monogrammed with her initials, leans against a tree in Griffith Park in Los Angeles, California.
14894304 Alfred Eisenstaedt (Tiger cub sucking a human’s finger) US, New York 1944 – The Picture Collection
14878642 Andreas Feininger (Ocean liner ‚Queen Elizabeth‘ on the Hudson river) US, New York 1958 – The Picture Collection
14848743 Andreas Feininger (Nyc Experimental Project – 48) US, New York 1955 – The Picture Collection
14846791 Andreas Feininger (Deep Snow In Upper Ny State) US, New York 1945 – The Picture Collection
14688464 Andreas Feininger und George Silk (Ticket Line, Radio City) 1950 – The Picture Collection
14239142 Unknown photographer (AR 1939-1945 WORLD WAR II – AIR U.S.A. MIS) – The Picture CollectionISC
13798727 Michael Jackson – 1984
13798727 David Mcgough (Pop-Star-Sänger Michael Jackson) US, New York 1984- The Picture Collection
13367895 Unknown photographer (soccer star Pele with Sylvester Stallone) 1981-The Picture Collection
279844 Joe Scherschel (Cuban rebel Ernesto „Che“ Guevara w. lit cigar clenched between his teeth & his left arm in a sling, talking w. unseen person.
5552293 Andreas Feininger (Picturesque view of the city overlooking streets with row houses) US, San Francisco 1942
5554021 Edward Clark (Tallest building in borough of Brooklyn, looming in the background) US, New York 1946
5555160 Gjon Mili (Star hurdler Jim Humphrey of Southern California showing off his high hurdle form) US, New York 1939
5555803 Eliot Elisofon (Two natives wading in the surf in the waning light of a sunset that permeates thickening clouds in the West Indies) 1946
5559166 Edward Clark (Actresses Marilyn Monroe & Jane Russell performing hot song & dance number in the movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes) US 1953
5559177 Andreas Feininger (Mitsui Line ship passing under the Brooklyn Bridge on the East River) US, New York 1954
5560860 – Joan Roberts
5560860 Nina Leen (Actress Joan Roberts clad in costume for the musical Oklahoma
5589951 Andreas Feininger (Strikebound Port of New York w eerie sunlight illuminating several tug boats steaming across usually busy Upper Bay as it shimmers past Ellis Island (R) & the Statue of Liberty (L) towards New Jersey & Newark Bay.
5589958 Andreas Feininger (View of Brooklyn Navy Yard wskyscrapers of Manhattan in the bkgrd.
5590062 Andreas Feininger (The majestic ocean liner Queen Mary being pulled up the Hudson River by tug boats) US, New York 1949
5590330 Andreas Feininger (Crystalline night surrounding the Statue of Liberty w. diamonds of star-like light from her torch and lampposts during WWII blackout.
5591066 Andreas Feininger ( Silhouette of the Empire State Building & other bldgs. without surrounding light fr. the usual street lights during wartime dimout to conserve city’s energy costs.
5591153 Andreas Feininger(Ship & tug boat traffic on the Hudson River w. New York City Skyline in bkgrd. taken w. the aid of a telephoto lens fr
800305 Dimitri Kessel (Narrow canal flowing between ancient buildings of the city) Italy, Venice 1952
814988 Dimitri Kessel (View of fireworks being exploded to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II) United Kingdom, London 1953
825995 Bill Eppridge (Expert mechanics making repairs on a car during the Daytona 500 race) US, Florida 1971
829673 Bill Eppridge (Ballet dancer Edward Villella, star of New York City Ballet Company, doing warm-up exercises at theater before a performance) US, New York 1969
832241 Dimitri Kessel (Wildebeests migrating on the Serengeti Plain) Eastern Africa, Tanzania 1967
833975 Ralph Crane (Whale Makapui, star attraction at Sea Life Park, jumping for food) US, Hawaii 1901
836845 Dimitri Kessel (On eve of bridge opening, looking from Brooklyn to Staten Island) US, New York 1964
840724 John Dominis (Tail of unidentified species of whale) North Atlantic Ocean, Bermuda 1963
842662 George Silk (Green Bay Packers‘ star fullback Jim Taylor during an unidentified game) US 1962
846612 Andreas Feininger (Volkswagen bus or station wagon, a German product, being used in the US) US 1954
846738 Andreas Feininger (Woodchuck (or groundhog) standing on hind legs in midst of dense foliage with mouth open and showing teeth) US 1948
956185 Dimitri Kessel (Overview picture of the Brooklyn bridge over the east river looking towards Manhattan) US, New York 1956
968735 Edward Clark (Cars filling the roadway on Route 1 between Washington and Baltimore) US, Maryland 1955
967978 Eliot Elisofon (A man standing in the drive-way between two 1933 custom built parckards) US 1955
967980 Eliot Elisofon (Four people sitting in an all white custom built 1927 Rolls Royce) US 1955
963562 Andreas Feininger (Frozen Niagara Falls; trees, park grounds & rocks covered with ice with mist from the, roaring water visible) US, NY, Niagara Falls 1956
973199 Allan Grant (View of crowds and police at the world premiere of the movie A Star Is Born) US, CA, Los Angeles 1954″
971859 Alfred Eisenstaedt (Actors James Dean (R) and Julie Harris (L) acting in a scene from the movie, East of Eden) US 1954
979972 Edward Clark (A man operating his own caddy pulling the bicycle wheeled cart full of golf clubs across the golf course) US, California 1953
982686 Fritz Goro (Sun making star-like design over frozen Canadian East Arctic region) Canada, Tundra 1953
981884 John Dominis (Lady doing a somersault of the saddle into sawdust trying to ride a bucking barrel that rides like a horse on Mayan Dude Ranch)US, Texas 1953.
986001 Bill Ray (Actress, Faye Dunaway, star of motion picture Thomas Crown & Company practicing scenes with co-star, Steve McQueen)US, CA, Hollywood 1967
982688 Fritz Goro (Melting ice sliding toward water in section of Arctic region) Canada, Tundra 1953
1045891 David Mcgough (Actor Michael Douglas on set of his film Romancing the Stone) US, New York 1983
1018874 Andreas Feininger (Panorama of road running through this desolate desert town) US, CA, Baker 1946
1130321 Unknown photographer (American Navy torpedo bombers fly over burning Japanese ship during the Battle of Midway) 1942
1142059 Unknown photographer (Wreckage of US Coast Guard B-17, destroyed by flares set off by Japanese bullets
1149029 Ralph Morse (Baseball player Babe Ruth in uniform at Yankee Stadium) US, New York 1948
1217764 Walker Evans (Photograph of a vintage Rolls-Royce, rear detail, taken at a Montreal meet of the Rolls-Royce Owners Club in August) Canada, Montreal 1958
1217792 Yale Joel (High rise view of the new Time & Life building under construction) US, New York 1960
1217762 Walker Evans (Photograph of a 1957 Silver Cloud Rolls-Royce taken at a Montreal meet of the Rolls-Royce Owners Club in August) Canada, Montreal 1958
1175522 Andreas Feininger (Brooklyn Bridge at night against background of lower Manhattan) US, New York 1948
1266452 Dimitri Kessel (Pigeons flocking above pedestrians crossing Piazza San Marco on a rainy Venice day) Italy, Venice 1952
1265480 Gjon Mili (Contestant jumping at the National Horse Show at Madison Square Garden) US, New York 1948
1269410 Loomis Dean (Actress Irish McCalla as Sheena Queen of the Jungle kissing her chimpanzee costar) US, California 1955
1268452 Ralph Morse (STAR WARS collectible figures including Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan Kanobi, C3P0 in a land speeder & R2D2) 1978
5534422 Gjon Mili (Jean Babilee, star of the Ballets des Champs Elysees, leaping during practice as other unident
5503879 Andreas Feininger (Night view of taxi and traffic congestion looking North on 45th St
5534059 Andreas Feininger (Reopening of the Brooklyn Bridge after four years of partial shutdown during which major repairs were made) US, New York 1954
5503793 Andreas Feininger (View of light car traffic on highway next to advertising billboards and the oil well towers of the Signal Hill Oil Field)US, California 1947
1270418 Gjon Mili (National Horse Show, Madison Square Garden, Harness pony events in which Mrs
5539926 Dimitri Kessel (American bomber crew serving in the frigid Aleutian Islands play cards while relaxing in their quonset hut) Aleutian Islands, Andak 1944
5549767 Margaret Bourke-White (A For Colored Store effecting a cruel display of racist condescension in the land of segregation) US, Maryland 1938
5552291 Andreas Feininger (Picturesque view of cable car coming up the hill in light auto traffic) US, San Francisco 1942
5599351 Andreas Feininger (Docks & piers of the Port of New York, w. tugs pushing barges loaded
5723312 Andreas Feininger (Panoramic view of buildings in lower Manhattan taken from the New Jersey banks of the Hudson River) US, New York 1946
5877672 Margaret Bourke-White (Pilots of American 8th Bomber Command wearing high altitude clothes, oxygen masks and flight goggles) United Kingdom 1942
5889468 Ralph Morse (Children playing on 103rd street in Puerto Rican community in Harlem) US, New York 1947
5599438 Andreas Feininger (Freighter ships moving up the East River past skyscrapers) US, New York 1946
5591178 Andreas Feininger (Nightime view of New York City skyscrapers taken w. the aid of a telephoto lens fr
13051349 Hansel Mieth (A rhesus monkey sitting in water up to his chest) Puerto Rico, Santiago 1939
13051155 Marie Hansen (Margaret O’Brien and her spaniel Maggie share a bubble bath) US,CA, Los Angeles 1944
13050971 Edward Clark (Young artist paints Sacre-Coeur from the ancient Rue Narvins) France, Paris 1946
131 Tony Linck, Model posing next to Delahaye auto with Eiffel Tower in background 50×40/45,6×36,2
132 Gjon Mili, Henry Ford II with 1948 Ford model- Model T and Model A in background 40×50/35,9×45,4
135 Andreas Feininger, Night view of traffic looking north on 45th St, with Budweiser billboard in background 50×40/38,5×38,2
101 – Eadweard Muybridge, Study of a horse – Photographer Eadweard Muybridge’s study of a horse at full gallop in collotype print. 40×50/37×48,8
103 – J. R. Eyerman, Expansive view of newly-built houses jammed side-by-side, divided by a neverending street clogged w. moving vans incl. Pan American Van & Storage, Bekins Van & Storage & McCallson Van & Storage, unloading families‘ possessions on moving day. 16×20 50×40/48,3×37,6
104 Nat Farbman, Cats Blackie & Brownie (fore) catching squirts of milk during milking at Arch Badertscher’s dairy farm. 16×20 50×40/48,3×31,7
127 – Gjon Mili, Overall view of boxing ring as heavyweight champion Joe Lewis lies on the canvas after being knocked down by contender Jersey Joe Walcott, who is dancing around him, in championship match at Madison Square Garden. 50×40/48,1×34
107 – M. Bourke-White, Canadian Colonial Airways passenger plane flying over the George Washington Bridge as it flies up the Hudson River on route to Montreal, Canada. 16×20 40×50/34,7×48,1
108 – H. Bristol, „The Piedmont Limited“ locomotive on the Southern Railway’s Charlotte Division, a 304-mile run from Spencer, NC to the outskirts of Atlanta. 16×20 50×40/48,2×38
112 – D. Kessel, Alaska the 49th star Alaskan natives pinning the 49th star to the US flag to celebrate their acceptance into the statehood of the US. 16×20 40×50/37,9×47,8
119 – Fritz Goro, Telephone poles along salt flats Row of telephone poles along salt flats. (Note: Original print from set replaced with copy print. Copy print reproduces grease pencil markings on original print. Scan made from negative). 16×20 40×50/36,5×48,1
117 – Dmitri Kessel, Paris in the Snow – Scenic shots of snow trailing down Paris 50×40/48,2×37,7
115 Eliot Elisofon, Several people standing on the top of a building looking down into the downtown misty smog that is covering the Empire State & surrounding buildings. 16×20 50×40/38,6×37,8
114- Dmitri Kessel , View of NYC behind the bridges that are hovering over the east river 16×20 40×50/37,9×42,5
120 Andreas Feininger, Forest of wells, rigs and derricks crowd the Signal Hill oil fields 16×20 40×50/37,5×48,2
121 Andreas Feininger, View of taxi and traffic congestion on Brodway View of taxi & traffic congestion on Broadway looking North from 45th Street past rows of movie theaters incl. the Capitol Theatre 16×20 40×50/38,8×37,8
123 M. Bourke-White, Aerial view of lower West Side of Manhatten – Aerial view of lower West Side of Manhattan incl. Battery Park (R) w. ships docked at piers as barges travel up the Hudson River. 20×24 50×60/41×58
124 W. Vandivert, North Atlantic / Gray waves that batter & freeze a man to death in 30 minutes being whipped high by a winter squall in the North Atlantic 16×20 40×50/35,6×48,1
129 R. W. Kelley, Boy hanging from a tree / In A Predicament Hanging From A Tree With His Stilts Falling Away From Him, 16×20 50×40/45,5×35,8
130 John Kauffmann, Silhouettes of Workers Using Rope Rigging to Clean and Paint the Side of a Ship 16×20
158 – Andreas Feininger, Woodcarver Nikita Carpenko’s skyscraper heads, 1952 Andreas Feininger 40,5 x 50,5 /37,2 x 45,4
159 – Andreas Feininger, Church in Mexico – start of Traill of Coronado, Spanish explorer of SW United States in the 16th c., 1952 50,5 x 40,5 / 47,8 x 38
162 – Gjon Mili, Multiple exposure of the artist Pablo Picasso using flashlight to make light drawing of a figure in the air that appears to be a man running 50,5 x 40,5 / 48 x 37,3
161 – Gjon Mili, Pablo Picasso-ceramic plates and pitchers he has created as he uses flashlight to make light drawing of what appears to be a woman in the air. 50,5 x 40,5 / 49,9 x 38
146 – Cornell Capa, Baby circus elephant standing under full-size elephant, 1948 40,5×50,5/39,5×48
151 – Dmitri Kessel, New York Airways helicopter over New York City-1956 40,5 x 50,5 / 38,2 x 46,8
142 Wally Rose & Band
142 – Nat Farbman, Jazz pianist Wally Rose & band performing at Tin Angel club SNAPShot archive gallery munich 40,5×50,5/38,2×48,5
148 – Mansell Collection, Aerial photographer Nadar (aka Gaspard-Félix Tournachon) in balloon, 1858 50,5×40,5/48×34
155 – Andreas Feininger, Road running through desolate desert town, 1946 40,5 x 50,5 / 33,5 x 48
164 – Andreas Feininger, Excellent of a New York Central passenger train w. a streamlined locomotive leaving Chicago station, with city skyline in the background. 40,5×50,5/37,6×48
160 Andreas Feininger, Cars out in front of shop in the town of Banff, along the Columbia Icefield Highway in Canadian Rockies, with Cascade Mountain in background, 1946 50,5×40,5/48×37,8
504710 Peter Stackpole, Racehorse Greyhound running in the Hambletonian Race, Goshen NY 1938, The Picture Collection, Snapshot archive gallery, Munich
163 – Gjon Mili, Pablo Picasso using flashlight to begin making light drawing in the air – SNAPShot gallery Munich 40,5×50,5/36,4×48
528623 Dmitri Kessel, Police directing traffic, Milan, Italy 1948, The Picture Collection – Snapshot archive gallery, Munich
278062 Andreas Feininger (Aerial view overlooking network of tracks for some 20 major railroads converging on Union Station (upper left) while city’s skyscrapers loom in the bkgrd) Chicago 1954
266233 Ralph Crane, Excellent overall exterior view of the Pantages Theater as crowds line Hollywood Blvd. to get a view of celebrities arriving by car for the 30th Annual Academy Award Ceremony. , L.A., 1958
804580 Yale Joel (Farmer and his sons ride tractor across main street, Clarksville, Arkansas) US, Arkansas 1953
19508548 Marie Hansen -Cars lining up for rationed gasoline during wartime- US- New York 1942
19336523 Dmitri Kessel (Students standing in front of medical building at San Paulo University) Brazil, Sao Paulo 1947
19339349 Dmitri Kessel (Sao Paulo) Brazil, Sao Paulo 1947 Brazil- Photo series on one of the world’s largest exporters of coffee beans and the positive effect of said industry on this Latin American city.
19338866 Dmitri Kessel (Sao Paulo) Brazil, Sao Paulo 1947 Brazil- Photo series on one of the world’s largest exporters of coffee beans and the positive effect of said industry on this Latin American city.
19339916 Allan Grant (Parking places for approximately 200 cars of fans attending baseball game) US, CA, Los Angeles 1947 LA BASEBALL CROWDS
18689601 Walter Sanders (Wartime Cigarette Shortage, display of less popular brands of cigarettes in demand because of wartime shortages) US, New York 1944
19338535 Dmitri Kessel (Sao Paulo) Brazil, Sao Paulo 1947 Brazil- Photo series on one of the world’s largest exporters of coffee beans and the positive effect of said industry on this Latin American city.
Erwerben Sie LIFE Archive Images in der Münchner SNAPShot archive gallery
unlimitierte Gelatin silver prints auf hochwertigem Barytpapier als open edition
Bei uns finden Sie weltbekannte Photo-Motive als hochwertige Abzüge für Ihre Geschäftsräume, die Räume Ihrer Praxis oder für ihre private Zimmer- und Hotelausstattung. Die Photographien aus dem Life-Archiv wurden von international bekannten Photographen geschaffen. Viele berühmte Motive sind in der SNAPShot archive gallery ausgestellt und können vor Ort direkt erworben werden. Kommen Sie vorbei, um die originalen LIFE-Abzüge der berühmten LIFE-PHOTOGRAPERS vor Ort zu betrachten und ihre Lieblings-Photographie auszuwählen. Die SNAPShot archive gallery liegt direkt in der Münchner Innenstadt (in der Prannerstraße 4 – nahe der Fußgängerzone, fußläufig vom Marienplatz, Odeonsplatz oder Stachus erreichbar).
Motive und Themen
Landschaft – Natur – Berge – Felder – Wiesen / Celebrity – Berühmtheiten – Prominente – Icons – Sänger – Rockstars – Bands – Michael Jackson – Musiker – Maler – Schauspieler / Tiere – Katze – Kuh – Hund / Mobilität – Autos – Autorennen – Rennen – Motorsport – Fahrzeuge – Eisenbahn – Zug – Lok – Flugzeug – Hubschrauber – Kampfjet / Menschen – Photograph / Fotograf – Kinder – Gesichter –Porträtfotografie – Frauen – Männer – Leute – Soldaten – Offiziere – Kampfpiloten – Armee / City – Städte Stadt / Architektur – Bauwerk – City – Stadt – Brücken – Straßen – Autobahn / Sport – Pferdesport / Wasser – Meer – See – Fluss – Hafen – Schiff – Boot – Ozeanriese / Jahreszeiten – Frühling – Sommer – Herbst – Winter / Autos – Oldtimer – Autorennen/ Rennsport – Motorracing Photography – Youngtimer / Technik – Auto – Flugzeug – Kamera / Fashion – Models / Fluggeräte – Flugzeuge – Zeppelin – Ballon / Artists – Künstler / Portrait – Künstler – Kinder / Monumente – Wahrzeichen – Sehenswürdigkeiten / Abstrakte Motive