Architektur – Bauwerke – Brücken
1217792 Yale Joel (High rise view of the new Time & Life building under construction) US, New York 1960
19339349 Dmitri Kessel (Sao Paulo) Brazil, Sao Paulo 1947 Brazil- Photo series on one of the world’s largest exporters of coffee beans and the positive effect of said industry on this Latin American city.
160 Andreas Feininger, Cars out in front of shop in the town of Banff, along the Columbia Icefield Highway in Canadian Rockies, with Cascade Mountain in background, 1946 50,5×40,5/48×37,8
5539926 Dimitri Kessel (American bomber crew serving in the frigid Aleutian Islands play cards while relaxing in their quonset hut) Aleutian Islands, Andak 1944
131 Tony Linck, Model posing next to Delahaye auto with Eiffel Tower in background 50×40/45,6×36,2
117 – Dmitri Kessel, Paris in the Snow – Scenic shots of snow trailing down Paris 50×40/48,2×37,7
135 Andreas Feininger, Night view of traffic looking north on 45th St, with Budweiser billboard in background 50×40/38,5×38,2
19338535 Dmitri Kessel (Sao Paulo) Brazil, Sao Paulo 1947 Brazil- Photo series on one of the world’s largest exporters of coffee beans and the positive effect of said industry on this Latin American city.
114- Dmitri Kessel , View of NYC behind the bridges that are hovering over the east river 16×20 40×50/37,9×42,5
266233 Ralph Crane, Excellent overall exterior view of the Pantages Theater as crowds line Hollywood Blvd. to get a view of celebrities arriving by car for the 30th Annual Academy Award Ceremony. , L.A., 1958
19336523 Dmitri Kessel (Students standing in front of medical building at San Paulo University) Brazil, Sao Paulo 1947
1266452 Dimitri Kessel (Pigeons flocking above pedestrians crossing Piazza San Marco on a rainy Venice day) Italy, Venice 1952
19338866 Dmitri Kessel (Sao Paulo) Brazil, Sao Paulo 1947 Brazil- Photo series on one of the world’s largest exporters of coffee beans and the positive effect of said industry on this Latin American city.
16901395 Dmitri Kessel (Overview picture looking at Manhattan from the Brooklyn bridge) US, New York 1956- Helicopter Views of New York- Manhattan skyline
121 Andreas Feininger, View of taxi and traffic congestion on Brodway View of taxi & traffic congestion on Broadway looking North from 45th Street past rows of movie theaters incl. the Capitol Theatre 16×20 40×50/38,8×37,8
14688464 Andreas Feininger und George Silk (Ticket Line, Radio City) 1950 – The Picture Collection
123 M. Bourke-White, Aerial view of lower West Side of Manhatten – Aerial view of lower West Side of Manhattan incl. Battery Park (R) w. ships docked at piers as barges travel up the Hudson River. 20×24 50×60/41×58
132 Gjon Mili, Henry Ford II with 1948 Ford model- Model T and Model A in background 40×50/35,9×45,4
18339563 Edward Clark (President Dwight D. Eisenhower campaigning for Richard M. Nixon) US, Ohio, Cleveland 1960
14878642 Andreas Feininger (Ocean liner ‚Queen Elizabeth‘ on the Hudson river) US, New York 1958 – The Picture Collection
5503879 Andreas Feininger (Night view of taxi and traffic congestion looking North on 45th St
16901406 Dmitri Kessel (Helicopter Views Of New York ) – Helicopter Views of New York- Manhattan skyline
115 Eliot Elisofon, Several people standing on the top of a building looking down into the downtown misty smog that is covering the Empire State & surrounding buildings. 16×20 50×40/38,6×37,8
278062 Andreas Feininger (Aerial view overlooking network of tracks for some 20 major railroads converging on Union Station (upper left) while city’s skyscrapers loom in the bkgrd) Chicago 1954
14848743 Andreas Feininger (Nyc Experimental Project – 48) US, New York 1955 – The Picture Collection
164 – Andreas Feininger, Excellent of a New York Central passenger train w. a streamlined locomotive leaving Chicago station, with city skyline in the background. 40,5×50,5/37,6×48
Neubauten – Internationale Architektur – Gebäude – Hochhaus – Hochhäuser – Skyscraper – City – Architektenhäuser – Bauten – Städtebau – Wohnhaus – Burg – Burgen – Schlösser – Architekturparks – Schloß – Historische Gebäude – Städteansichten – Mensch und Architektur – Bauten der Nachkriegszeit – Bauten der Vorkriegszeit – Historische Ansichten – Architektur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
Amerika – USA – New York – Manhatten – Deutschland – Berlin – Bayern – Frankreich – Paris – Italien – Pisa – Europa – Asien – Australien – Kanada