Margaret Bourke-White (1904-1971)
US-amerikanische Photoreporterin, Kriegsberichterstatterin für die US-Streitkräfte und Photographin der US-Luftwaffe. Life-Photographin in Indien und Russland.
5877672 Margaret Bourke-White (Pilots of American 8th Bomber Command wearing high altitude clothes, oxygen masks and flight goggles) United Kingdom 1942
5549767 Margaret Bourke-White (A For Colored Store effecting a cruel display of racist condescension in the land of segregation) US, Maryland 1938
130 John Kauffmann, Silhouettes of Workers Using Rope Rigging to Clean and Paint the Side of a Ship 16×20
107 – M. Bourke-White, Canadian Colonial Airways passenger plane flying over the George Washington Bridge as it flies up the Hudson River on route to Montreal, Canada. 16×20 40×50/34,7×48,1